Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wetsuit & Rest

Went back to the Tri store after work and a lady helped me pick out wetsuits. Price ranged from $200 to $800. But the ones I was looking at was around $300-$400. They didn't have my size so they just got my number and said they'll call me this week when the shipment comes in.
Was suppose to go for a ride but found out both my tires were flat. First time it happened. I had an extra tube but that's about it. Was bummed and felt so guilty not working out for 3 days straight. It is a first as well throughout this training. So I just chatted online and called it a night.
One thing good that came out of this was that, I never felt my legs sooooo rested when I woke up this morning! First time in probably 3 months. Gonna get a tube tonight and I can tell it's gonna be a great ride! :-)


  1. I'm glad you feel well rested. Rest brings renewed strength. I hope you enjoy your ride!!!

  2. Rode as promised...did 21 miles flat-road riding from 10:00 to 11:45 last nite.
    Was tired when I woke up this morning, though, and ended up falling asleep on my bus!
