Yesterday I ran a little more than seven miles. On my way out (away from home) I noticed a runner about 200 feet behind me. This guy didn't know it, but he was "pushing me" through the whole run. This was to be my first seven mile run of this season. I gave myself an "option" to cut it short and do six instead, but since this man was still trudging behind me at the 6 mile turn around point, I felt like I had to keep going... because he was still going... He caught up to me and I encouraged him to pass and he said "I'm going to keep right where I'm at. I'm running 10 miles today." And we ran alongside each other for awhile. He told me he was training for his first half marathon and I congratulated him and wished him luck. When I turned around at 3.5 miles, and we waved to each other as he kept on, I allowed the thought of walking the last mile to enter my mind. "I'll get through six miles, then I'll walk the last one." At mile 5 I approach the bridge in Belmar. I secretly "wish" that it could go up and I can have a reason to stop... And it does!

Another runner catches up with me and waits for the bridge. I confess to him that I wished for the bridge to go up because this run was starting to really challenge me and I wanted a reason to stop. He says "Well, let's finish it together then." And so we do. Chatting the whole way about running, family, the Jersey Shore, and why he still runs at age 66. When we approach my street, we shake hands, bid each other well, and I thank him for pulling me for the last 1.7 miles and I exit the boardwalk. He continues for another mile to his home in Asbury Park. I am grateful for "coincidences" like this. Small ways that God shows me that He is ever present and wanting to help and encourage me even in the smallest endeavors.
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