Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yesterday and Today

Ended up at the gym on the treadmill for two days in a row now. I find the treadmill painfully boring. Yesterday, I was set to do 4 miles, but 20 minutes in to my run, a woman who REEKED of cigarettes took the treadmill next to me. She must've had more than one in her car with the windows rolled up right before she walked in to the gym. It was awful. On top of this, she is someone I know who always attempts to engage in conversation with me no matter how much I avoid her general direction and (at times) pretend I don't even know she's there right next to me. I don't go to the gym to socialize. I go to accomplish something and (ideally) conjure up some positive feelings. I can socialize any other time. When will this person get the message?

I resigned to a 30 minute run so it was about 3.4 miles or so when it was over. Coincidentally, the woman who joined me finished her workout at the same time and followed me to the locker room, then to the parking lot... This means she went to the gym to spend maybe 12 minutes walking while holding on (a pet peeve of mine-why are you holding on?) to a treadmill.

Okay, that's enough whining...

Today I ran 3.4 at the gym after a somewhat lazy day which included watching Chris' baseball game in outside on a windy 55 degree cloudy day. I hope to get a good 7 mile run in tomorrow or Thursday and then another on the weekend. I signed up for a ten mile run on May 23. I'm ready enough, but would like to be more confident...

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