Saturday, May 1, 2010

22 days til...

My 10 mile race is on May 23rd. I plan to run 7 miles this afternoon or evening and perhaps 5 or 6 tomorrow. I hope to finish this race with a 9:30 pace or better. We shall see.

Thursday I ran 3.5 on the treadmill at the gym again. I can't bear more than 30 minutes or so on the treadmill anymore. It gets so boring!


  1. Well, I ran 6 miles today in 59 minutes. It was SOOOO crowded on the boardwalk since it was 80 degrees.

  2. While training last year for L.A., I sprained my ankle about 2 miles from the house so I painfully limped home. Learned my lesson then, so the treadmill became a friend.
    I got to enjoy it after a while playing around with the settings (inclination & pace). And I can have water or a power bar within reach during a workout. I think I did 13 miles or so on it once.
