3 miles. Started running last night with my minister and a girl from church.
Surprisingly, my minister and I were on the same pace. We had to wait for her at times. She had cramps in the last mile so we had to walk/run the rest of the way.
I'm thinking, for a first marathon, with 4 months of training, it would be too much for her. I wanna advise her to prepare for a half-marathon for now, but how do you do that with a woman?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
A new mountain to climb
A couple of days ago, my minister asked if we can train together for a marathon. And so I suggested L.A. in March. And so the training is on.
Just registered for the race today and so did he. And so thinking about all the commitment that's involved.
Probably will go by Hal Higdon's Novice 2 training sched.
Just registered for the race today and so did he. And so thinking about all the commitment that's involved.
Probably will go by Hal Higdon's Novice 2 training sched.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
And we're off!
The whistle blew for our group and we were off!!!
I decided to stay in the back since I didn't wanna be crowded and kicked as I read in triathlon blogs. I told myself, I wasn't gonna push it and treat this as a regular work-out.
Started swimming at a very slow pace. I notice, I wasn't swimming straight. Turning the first buoy (100 yards out) was not that hard but to the next one was a journey! Since I couldn't swim straight, I was getting off course and the lifeguards on surfboards had to tell me to get back on course more than once. At first I saw white swimming caps around me, which was my group. But soon enough, I was seeing blue caps, which means the next group caught up to me already! Without losing composure, I continued swimming. Soon enough, I was seeing white caps again. But after a while I realized, it was the group after the next that caught up to me already! :-(
Still zig-zagging through the course, I did manage to finish, wanting to hug every buoy I pass. Took me 53 mins to finish the swim part.
There were some bikes left when I got there. A bit discouraging but who cares.
Taking off my wetsuit and putting on my bike gear took me the longest time (which honestly, I didn't care much; I needed the rest). Drank some lemonade and got on my way.
Started really slow as I was advised: that I shouldn't push it and that I will pick up speed without even noticing it as I warm up. That morning was a bit cold and breezy, as I was still a bit dripping from the swim.
I dreaded mile 7 as there was where I had to catch my breath last week. So I really paced myself. After passing the dreaded point, I gained some confidence that I can finish the rest of the course.
I remember some guys and tons of women of all age, shapes and sizes just passing me. :-( First old guys, then fat guys with old bikes, then women in great shape, women in not so great shape, then old women, grandmas even. My pride was putting more weight on the bike than the oversized water-bottle we were given for the race! And so I decided at that point on, I cannot do this, but I'm still gonna finish it.
The next challenge was the curved uphill canyon on mile 15. I went up that hill with about 5 women. I took it slow and there was a point where I had to pass one of them...on the right, which was a no-no! But I could not slow down nor shift to the left; it was too late, so I just asked permission to do so, and she was so pissed! I just apologized and went on my way. (she did pass me on the downhill, by the way. :-()
I surprised myself going through that hill without stopping which gained me more confidence. Now it was the way back to camp. If you're gonna do this race remember one name Toro Canyon Road! Imagine doing that mile 7 hill in reverse with lesser energy. I passed 2 guys (woohoo!) on this hill climb. The organizers had cheerers near the top because they know this is make or break (some had to walk their bikes, I was determined to ride it: and I did! :-)
The downhill was fun, but I think I pushed too much trying to pass people so near the end of the bike ride, a 100-ft short hill killed me; I felt lactic acid saturating my quads! It hurt. So approaching the transition area, I was telling myself, "You must be kidding! I still have to run 10 miles?"
Then my mantra kicked in: "You cannot do this but you will finish it." I was 10 miles away from accomplishing one of my dreams. So off to T2.
T2 was quick. Take off the helmet and gloves and switch to the running shoes. A quick drink and off I go. (Just a note: I really don't understand the big deal about making the transitions quick! Man, you'll need all the rest you can get to catch your breath and rest your body!)
Pain!!! Lactic acid made my legs feel like wood running. I read in blogs that it should go away after a mile or so. But it didn't!!! It remained during the entire run. Not a lot of people were cheering along the route since we were at the tail end. I was probably going less than 10 miles an hour accepting all the water and Gatorade offered at every mile; first to drink, then later just to pour on my head to cool off since it was almost noon. On the first hill, I met David on his way back already to the finish line cheering me on. I didn't want to stop running, however slow, but at mile 4, the pain was so intense, I was cramping already and so I had to start walking. But I was determined to finish and at that point, I knew it was just a matter of time. I walked-ran at that point every .2 miles or so. The people I was cheering on going towards the halfway point were the very same ones passing and encouraging me the last 5 miles of the run. :-( As much as my legs were hurting, I felt my ego was suffering more! I wanted to shout at one point: "Is there anybody else who hasn't passed me?"
On mile 8, a cute girl encouraged me to keep running and so pride ignored the pain and started jogging with her. After about five minutes of chatting, I had to start slowing down and eventually walk again eating the dust of her tracks.
On mile 10, I figured, I will just save enough energy to run for the cameras (ha-ha!). And so I did.
When that robot camera flashed, extra adrenaline kicked in that boosted me to the finish line.
.98 miles swimming
33.5 miles biking
10 miles running/walking
900 registrants
770 participants
721 finishers
50 did not finish
9 were disqualified
I was the 707th finisher. It wasn't a glorious finish, but with God's help: I finished! That's all that matters (to me at least!) :-)
I decided to stay in the back since I didn't wanna be crowded and kicked as I read in triathlon blogs. I told myself, I wasn't gonna push it and treat this as a regular work-out.
Started swimming at a very slow pace. I notice, I wasn't swimming straight. Turning the first buoy (100 yards out) was not that hard but to the next one was a journey! Since I couldn't swim straight, I was getting off course and the lifeguards on surfboards had to tell me to get back on course more than once. At first I saw white swimming caps around me, which was my group. But soon enough, I was seeing blue caps, which means the next group caught up to me already! Without losing composure, I continued swimming. Soon enough, I was seeing white caps again. But after a while I realized, it was the group after the next that caught up to me already! :-(
Still zig-zagging through the course, I did manage to finish, wanting to hug every buoy I pass. Took me 53 mins to finish the swim part.
There were some bikes left when I got there. A bit discouraging but who cares.
Taking off my wetsuit and putting on my bike gear took me the longest time (which honestly, I didn't care much; I needed the rest). Drank some lemonade and got on my way.
Started really slow as I was advised: that I shouldn't push it and that I will pick up speed without even noticing it as I warm up. That morning was a bit cold and breezy, as I was still a bit dripping from the swim.
I dreaded mile 7 as there was where I had to catch my breath last week. So I really paced myself. After passing the dreaded point, I gained some confidence that I can finish the rest of the course.
I remember some guys and tons of women of all age, shapes and sizes just passing me. :-( First old guys, then fat guys with old bikes, then women in great shape, women in not so great shape, then old women, grandmas even. My pride was putting more weight on the bike than the oversized water-bottle we were given for the race! And so I decided at that point on, I cannot do this, but I'm still gonna finish it.
The next challenge was the curved uphill canyon on mile 15. I went up that hill with about 5 women. I took it slow and there was a point where I had to pass one of them...on the right, which was a no-no! But I could not slow down nor shift to the left; it was too late, so I just asked permission to do so, and she was so pissed! I just apologized and went on my way. (she did pass me on the downhill, by the way. :-()
I surprised myself going through that hill without stopping which gained me more confidence. Now it was the way back to camp. If you're gonna do this race remember one name Toro Canyon Road! Imagine doing that mile 7 hill in reverse with lesser energy. I passed 2 guys (woohoo!) on this hill climb. The organizers had cheerers near the top because they know this is make or break (some had to walk their bikes, I was determined to ride it: and I did! :-)
The downhill was fun, but I think I pushed too much trying to pass people so near the end of the bike ride, a 100-ft short hill killed me; I felt lactic acid saturating my quads! It hurt. So approaching the transition area, I was telling myself, "You must be kidding! I still have to run 10 miles?"
Then my mantra kicked in: "You cannot do this but you will finish it." I was 10 miles away from accomplishing one of my dreams. So off to T2.
T2 was quick. Take off the helmet and gloves and switch to the running shoes. A quick drink and off I go. (Just a note: I really don't understand the big deal about making the transitions quick! Man, you'll need all the rest you can get to catch your breath and rest your body!)
Pain!!! Lactic acid made my legs feel like wood running. I read in blogs that it should go away after a mile or so. But it didn't!!! It remained during the entire run. Not a lot of people were cheering along the route since we were at the tail end. I was probably going less than 10 miles an hour accepting all the water and Gatorade offered at every mile; first to drink, then later just to pour on my head to cool off since it was almost noon. On the first hill, I met David on his way back already to the finish line cheering me on. I didn't want to stop running, however slow, but at mile 4, the pain was so intense, I was cramping already and so I had to start walking. But I was determined to finish and at that point, I knew it was just a matter of time. I walked-ran at that point every .2 miles or so. The people I was cheering on going towards the halfway point were the very same ones passing and encouraging me the last 5 miles of the run. :-( As much as my legs were hurting, I felt my ego was suffering more! I wanted to shout at one point: "Is there anybody else who hasn't passed me?"
On mile 8, a cute girl encouraged me to keep running and so pride ignored the pain and started jogging with her. After about five minutes of chatting, I had to start slowing down and eventually walk again eating the dust of her tracks.
On mile 10, I figured, I will just save enough energy to run for the cameras (ha-ha!). And so I did.
When that robot camera flashed, extra adrenaline kicked in that boosted me to the finish line.
.98 miles swimming
33.5 miles biking
10 miles running/walking
900 registrants
770 participants
721 finishers
50 did not finish
9 were disqualified
I was the 707th finisher. It wasn't a glorious finish, but with God's help: I finished! That's all that matters (to me at least!) :-)
Race Day!!!
Woke up around 4:00. Still scared.
Waited till like 5:00 to get ready. Packed my bike and gear in my friends car and headed out to the starting line, which was about 15 mi. away, around 5:45. We prayed before leaving the motel (just to be sure, ya know!).
Near the set-up area, my fears were lessened with the many people there. They were very friendly and encouraging. The seasoned athletes assured me and gave me tips. One thing consistent with what they said was: relax and enjoy your first one.
I saw David and came over to wish me good luck. I started laying out my gear, a final trip to the men's room, and I put on my wetsuit. It was getting close to 7:00, the start of the race, so we headed out for the beach. I saw someone popping in a gel shot, so I did the same. And once I drank water, I never realized how thirsty I was that morning (stress probably?). One of the veterans told me to get in the water to get used to it. Dang, it was cold!!! (high 50's to low 60's).
We started lining up according to age groups. There were about 5 groups starting from the elite athletes on the front line to the all-women's group in the back, with alternate white and blue cap for each group (note this as well for my next blog). Was trying to talk to people to get my nervousness out. We were the third group so my friend took some pictures and videos while waiting. And then it was our group's turn. This is it!!!
Waited till like 5:00 to get ready. Packed my bike and gear in my friends car and headed out to the starting line, which was about 15 mi. away, around 5:45. We prayed before leaving the motel (just to be sure, ya know!).
Near the set-up area, my fears were lessened with the many people there. They were very friendly and encouraging. The seasoned athletes assured me and gave me tips. One thing consistent with what they said was: relax and enjoy your first one.
I saw David and came over to wish me good luck. I started laying out my gear, a final trip to the men's room, and I put on my wetsuit. It was getting close to 7:00, the start of the race, so we headed out for the beach. I saw someone popping in a gel shot, so I did the same. And once I drank water, I never realized how thirsty I was that morning (stress probably?). One of the veterans told me to get in the water to get used to it. Dang, it was cold!!! (high 50's to low 60's).
We started lining up according to age groups. There were about 5 groups starting from the elite athletes on the front line to the all-women's group in the back, with alternate white and blue cap for each group (note this as well for my next blog). Was trying to talk to people to get my nervousness out. We were the third group so my friend took some pictures and videos while waiting. And then it was our group's turn. This is it!!!
Week of the race
Since I max'd out the week before, I was debating on doing nothing or tapering that week since I was really tired. Opted to just do nothing! (gulp!) It was a big risk, but I know I'll learn from this mistake in the future.
Took Thursday and Friday off to prepare. I thought of nothing but the race the whole week. Even took time off the meetings because of it. I told myself, I'll have more time to focus on recovery after the race.
Decided to go to a local beach to do a mini dry-run. Did like a 100-yard swim (the waves were kicking my butt, so I quit fighting it!). Did like a 5-mile bike ride, and a 2-mi. run. Now I felt more confident doing SOMETHING at least.
Packed my stuff that night and went to bed still thinking...
Headed out around 9 AM and went to get my packet. Got there and saw booths set up with tri gears. I was a bit intimidated yet excited being introduced to the culture. Met a quiet guy by the registration stairs waiting for it to open. Come to find out it was his first triathlon as well. His name is David, a chemist from San Diego. We almost had the same amount of training and the same age. And we were both scared!
After getting our packets, we decided to go through the bike route in my car since he said he hasn't ridden it yet. He checked out the map while I drove.
We had butterflies in our stomachs going through the hills. And remember the canyon my friend commented on? (check last blog) HE WAS RIGHT!!! It was the other way...uphill on a curve! I was sweating cold at that point.
Dropping him off in his car, I checked-in to the motel asking myself if I could actually do this.
Instead of worrying, I just prepared my gear lay-out for the transition on the motel floor. Took a short bike ride to stretch and then grabbed a burger meal for dinner.
Lost a lot of sleep just worrying that night. Prayed like I haven't done in a while. Woke up at 2:00 in the morning and just talked to my friend about my worries.
Took Thursday and Friday off to prepare. I thought of nothing but the race the whole week. Even took time off the meetings because of it. I told myself, I'll have more time to focus on recovery after the race.
Decided to go to a local beach to do a mini dry-run. Did like a 100-yard swim (the waves were kicking my butt, so I quit fighting it!). Did like a 5-mile bike ride, and a 2-mi. run. Now I felt more confident doing SOMETHING at least.
Packed my stuff that night and went to bed still thinking...
Headed out around 9 AM and went to get my packet. Got there and saw booths set up with tri gears. I was a bit intimidated yet excited being introduced to the culture. Met a quiet guy by the registration stairs waiting for it to open. Come to find out it was his first triathlon as well. His name is David, a chemist from San Diego. We almost had the same amount of training and the same age. And we were both scared!
After getting our packets, we decided to go through the bike route in my car since he said he hasn't ridden it yet. He checked out the map while I drove.
We had butterflies in our stomachs going through the hills. And remember the canyon my friend commented on? (check last blog) HE WAS RIGHT!!! It was the other way...uphill on a curve! I was sweating cold at that point.
Dropping him off in his car, I checked-in to the motel asking myself if I could actually do this.
Instead of worrying, I just prepared my gear lay-out for the transition on the motel floor. Took a short bike ride to stretch and then grabbed a burger meal for dinner.
Lost a lot of sleep just worrying that night. Prayed like I haven't done in a while. Woke up at 2:00 in the morning and just talked to my friend about my worries.
2 weeks before the race
It's supposes to be the start of taper in training but since I lost training time because of the accident (and did not training enough to begin with), I decided to max out on each of the disciplines that week.
Did a 50 x 50 yds. swim in the pool on Monday
Did a 13 mi. run on Wednesday.
Went to Sta. Barbara (where the race was gonna be at) that Saturday to do the whole bike course. I went with a friend who has some experience in biking.
On mile 6 to 7, was one of the toughest hills of the course. It was a gradual 500-ft climb. Since most of my training was on flat, I really had a hard time getting to the top. Near the top I had to stop and lay flat on the curb to catch my breath. At that point, I was already second-thoughts in doing the race. I WAS ONLY ON MILE 7, there's 27 more miles to go!!!
My friend just encouraged me to go slow and don't push it. And he was right. I just took it slow the rest of the way and finished it.
Mile 16 to 17 was another 500 foot climb but more gradual and so it was more manageable. The downhill ride was curvy and tricky . My friend commented "Thank God this part of the course is as it is. Had it been the other way going up, it would be a lot tougher!" (remember this for it will have bearing on my next blog!)
Had lunch and headed home.
Did a 50 x 50 yds. swim in the pool on Monday
Did a 13 mi. run on Wednesday.
Went to Sta. Barbara (where the race was gonna be at) that Saturday to do the whole bike course. I went with a friend who has some experience in biking.
On mile 6 to 7, was one of the toughest hills of the course. It was a gradual 500-ft climb. Since most of my training was on flat, I really had a hard time getting to the top. Near the top I had to stop and lay flat on the curb to catch my breath. At that point, I was already second-thoughts in doing the race. I WAS ONLY ON MILE 7, there's 27 more miles to go!!!
My friend just encouraged me to go slow and don't push it. And he was right. I just took it slow the rest of the way and finished it.
Mile 16 to 17 was another 500 foot climb but more gradual and so it was more manageable. The downhill ride was curvy and tricky . My friend commented "Thank God this part of the course is as it is. Had it been the other way going up, it would be a lot tougher!" (remember this for it will have bearing on my next blog!)
Had lunch and headed home.
3 weeks before the race
Lost some time in training since I got a bike accident the other week. A car almost hit me, I lost control trying to avoid it, ate the pavement scratching my left shoulder, elbow, and knees. The bike was a little scratched up, but OK.
On the Saturday of this week, decided to go to Sta. Barbara with a friend to do a mini dry run of the race. I wanted to do a short distance of all the events in one morning just to see how it would feel.
The swim:
Got there around 8:00 in the morning. The water was in the low 60's. Luckily I found a small group of people doing a swim workout. Some of them were doing the Sprint the weekend of the race.
Put on my wetsuit and did like a 400-yd. swim with my buddy on the shore dragging the bikes to measure the distance on the bike computer/odometer.
The bike:
We were suppose to go with a group doing the actual route, but got lost because we were behind, so just managed to do a 17 mi.-ride around the area.
The run:
Did a 6-mi. run after the biking.
I felt good but hungry!!! Grabbed a burger meal and went home.
On the Saturday of this week, decided to go to Sta. Barbara with a friend to do a mini dry run of the race. I wanted to do a short distance of all the events in one morning just to see how it would feel.
The swim:
Got there around 8:00 in the morning. The water was in the low 60's. Luckily I found a small group of people doing a swim workout. Some of them were doing the Sprint the weekend of the race.
Put on my wetsuit and did like a 400-yd. swim with my buddy on the shore dragging the bikes to measure the distance on the bike computer/odometer.
The bike:
We were suppose to go with a group doing the actual route, but got lost because we were behind, so just managed to do a 17 mi.-ride around the area.
The run:
Did a 6-mi. run after the biking.
I felt good but hungry!!! Grabbed a burger meal and went home.
Friday, July 16, 2010
First time training with a group
At the city pool where I usually do my workouts, one of the lifeguards made small talk about my wetsuit and told me he does triathlons too and that there's a triathlon group that trains there and suggested I join them.
Halfway through my workout, he called me and introduced me to the trainer and assigned me to a lane with the group. He made us do exercises that are unconventional for me and that I'm almost always out of breath! Afterwards, he offered to train me for a fee and gave me his business card. I took the card and told him I'll think about it (but in my mind, I already said "no way, man. I'm cheap!").
I did ask about my apprehensions in joining the longer race and contemplating on downgrading. He asked me where I was at in my training and said if I could work up to 50 mi. on the bike, I'll be ok. So at least I have some goal to reach for a solid decision.
Bought a new bike handlebar tape since the old one wore out and put it on last night. Looking forward to another ocean swim this weekend.
Halfway through my workout, he called me and introduced me to the trainer and assigned me to a lane with the group. He made us do exercises that are unconventional for me and that I'm almost always out of breath! Afterwards, he offered to train me for a fee and gave me his business card. I took the card and told him I'll think about it (but in my mind, I already said "no way, man. I'm cheap!").
I did ask about my apprehensions in joining the longer race and contemplating on downgrading. He asked me where I was at in my training and said if I could work up to 50 mi. on the bike, I'll be ok. So at least I have some goal to reach for a solid decision.
Bought a new bike handlebar tape since the old one wore out and put it on last night. Looking forward to another ocean swim this weekend.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I should start getting used to muscle transitions from swimming to biking and biking to running (brick) as the training programs suggests. But I've been dragging on it. So I'm doing it gradually: one day gap between each event. So I started last Tuesday; did 37 mi. (a little more than the actual distance in the race). I did a 10.6 mi ran last night and planning to do the swimming leg today after work.
Still trying to figure out how to deal with the chafing I get at the back of my head, from my wetsuit. Found out about rash guard undershirts online but the neckline is not high enough to protect the chafing and...they're expensive.
Still aiming to do the long distance race...so help me God!
Still trying to figure out how to deal with the chafing I get at the back of my head, from my wetsuit. Found out about rash guard undershirts online but the neckline is not high enough to protect the chafing and...they're expensive.
Still aiming to do the long distance race...so help me God!
Monday, July 12, 2010
2nd try at Ocean Swimming
Went to the beach alone last Saturday for another try at open water swimming.
Found 3 people (probably in their late 50's) training for a triathlon as well! At first, I said, yay, I can finally train with others!
So I put my suit on (embarassingly asked somebody on the pier to zip me up!) and went on the water. Amazingly, it doesn't feel as cold as the last time I went (it was around 64 deg this time).
Come to find out they were just training to "catch a wave" and not doing much swimming.
And so I just asked how long a mile was in the water. The trainer pointed to a landmark along the beach and just went for it. I wasn't swimming straight for there were no lane markers to follow like in a pool so I probably swam farther to get to the landmark.
On the way back was a different story...I only got halfway through and I was really tired. Swam towards the shore and just walked towards the starting mark. I was a bit discouraged and was really considering downgrading my race to the shorter one.
But driving back home, I thought of driving parallel to where I swam to determine how long it really was. It was about .6 miles! So it was longer. Gonna try this weekend again and see.
Took my bike to the shop where I bought it to have it checked and tune-up. Planning to go running tonight.
Found 3 people (probably in their late 50's) training for a triathlon as well! At first, I said, yay, I can finally train with others!
So I put my suit on (embarassingly asked somebody on the pier to zip me up!) and went on the water. Amazingly, it doesn't feel as cold as the last time I went (it was around 64 deg this time).
Come to find out they were just training to "catch a wave" and not doing much swimming.
And so I just asked how long a mile was in the water. The trainer pointed to a landmark along the beach and just went for it. I wasn't swimming straight for there were no lane markers to follow like in a pool so I probably swam farther to get to the landmark.
On the way back was a different story...I only got halfway through and I was really tired. Swam towards the shore and just walked towards the starting mark. I was a bit discouraged and was really considering downgrading my race to the shorter one.
But driving back home, I thought of driving parallel to where I swam to determine how long it really was. It was about .6 miles! So it was longer. Gonna try this weekend again and see.
Took my bike to the shop where I bought it to have it checked and tune-up. Planning to go running tonight.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
I have a resentment. And I already prayed for the person I am resenting...
My sister has a bike. It has been sitting... wherever it's been sitting... for about two years. I think my mom gave it to her. She has never used it. It even has a flat tire or needs a tube or something- she told me this LAST SPRING- that's Spring of 2009... And yesterday morning, I invited her to go to the book sale in my town with me (used books that are 3 for $1) and she said she couldn't afford to go. That she really had no money- not even for a $.33 book... I had been meaning to ask her about the bike, so I took this opportunity and said "Hey, you should sell me your bike." and she said she no- that she was thinking she might use it eventually. I suggested that she loan it to me indefinitely- and I'd get it fixed and when she needed it she could have it back. She, again, said no.
Now that I put that in writing, I feel silly. I need to emphasize that I'm not *that* upset over it. But really, it's silly. It would be cool if she actually started to use the bike, too. I hope she does.
I ran on the treadmill at the gym yesterday and I hope to run on the boardwalk- even if it's short- then jump in the ocean when I'm done. Today, the beach doesn't open 'til 12:30 so unless I get out RIGHT NOW, the morning isn't an option. "Guards" block the entrance to the beach starting at 8 am on Sundays.
My sister has a bike. It has been sitting... wherever it's been sitting... for about two years. I think my mom gave it to her. She has never used it. It even has a flat tire or needs a tube or something- she told me this LAST SPRING- that's Spring of 2009... And yesterday morning, I invited her to go to the book sale in my town with me (used books that are 3 for $1) and she said she couldn't afford to go. That she really had no money- not even for a $.33 book... I had been meaning to ask her about the bike, so I took this opportunity and said "Hey, you should sell me your bike." and she said she no- that she was thinking she might use it eventually. I suggested that she loan it to me indefinitely- and I'd get it fixed and when she needed it she could have it back. She, again, said no.
Now that I put that in writing, I feel silly. I need to emphasize that I'm not *that* upset over it. But really, it's silly. It would be cool if she actually started to use the bike, too. I hope she does.
I ran on the treadmill at the gym yesterday and I hope to run on the boardwalk- even if it's short- then jump in the ocean when I'm done. Today, the beach doesn't open 'til 12:30 so unless I get out RIGHT NOW, the morning isn't an option. "Guards" block the entrance to the beach starting at 8 am on Sundays.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Running with the boy.
I ran a smooth 5 miles on the boardwalk yesterday in right around 48 minutes. I haven't been running much, and it was great to get out in the evening and be pleasantly surprised with the ease in which 5 miles came and went... Bike? I may do that soon. Frank has a bike that I could ride and maybe I'll ask him to take me through the trail sometime soon. Swim? Well, the water is slowly warming up, so perhaps that will come soon.
In the meantime, I have to write, lest I forget:
A beautiful long awaited day arrived for me just last Saturday. My littlest boy ran 3.1 miles alongside me. And while I've run a few times already with Chris, I've been looking forward to the day that Ethan would trudge along with me. I envisioned this when he was three years old and running lap after lap around the front yard minimally affected. Over the years, I've tested him, bribing him to lap the soccer field while his brother plays. I promised $1 per lap which consequently emptied my wallet. I have challenged him to run up and down steep hills without stopping and he has done so without getting winded. We have run ahead of his brothers from the boardwalk to the house (1/4) mile many times and just last year he became fast enough to match my stride. He does not yet know what a gift he has. We do not yet know how he can best use this gift. What a proud 35 minutes I experienced running beside him. We walked a bit, upon his request, although he really did not need to. We talked the entire time. At no point was his breathing strained so that he could not speak to me. At the end of the race, he sprinted to the finish and told me it was a lot easier than he thought. Of course it was, Ethan. And this is only the beginning.
At various points during the run, I helped him imagine other places, other times when we ran. We imagined the beach and the boardwalk. We imagined the Susquehanna river that runs parallel to his great grandmother's house. We imagined the park. As we approached each mile marker (well really only the first two) we sped up to "conquer" them. Each time, Ethan sprinted to the sign and punched it, declaring his victory over the distance.
What a sweet sight to see my baby red faced, sweaty and determined. I savor that race and play it over and over like a movie in my mind. Someday, he might know how much this means to me.
In the meantime, I have to write, lest I forget:
A beautiful long awaited day arrived for me just last Saturday. My littlest boy ran 3.1 miles alongside me. And while I've run a few times already with Chris, I've been looking forward to the day that Ethan would trudge along with me. I envisioned this when he was three years old and running lap after lap around the front yard minimally affected. Over the years, I've tested him, bribing him to lap the soccer field while his brother plays. I promised $1 per lap which consequently emptied my wallet. I have challenged him to run up and down steep hills without stopping and he has done so without getting winded. We have run ahead of his brothers from the boardwalk to the house (1/4) mile many times and just last year he became fast enough to match my stride. He does not yet know what a gift he has. We do not yet know how he can best use this gift. What a proud 35 minutes I experienced running beside him. We walked a bit, upon his request, although he really did not need to. We talked the entire time. At no point was his breathing strained so that he could not speak to me. At the end of the race, he sprinted to the finish and told me it was a lot easier than he thought. Of course it was, Ethan. And this is only the beginning.
At various points during the run, I helped him imagine other places, other times when we ran. We imagined the beach and the boardwalk. We imagined the Susquehanna river that runs parallel to his great grandmother's house. We imagined the park. As we approached each mile marker (well really only the first two) we sped up to "conquer" them. Each time, Ethan sprinted to the sign and punched it, declaring his victory over the distance.
What a sweet sight to see my baby red faced, sweaty and determined. I savor that race and play it over and over like a movie in my mind. Someday, he might know how much this means to me.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Training Stats
This week marks the 8th week of training: halfway through!
Here are the stats:
Accomplished Behind by Left in training
Swimming 17,650 yds 5,850 yds 52,250 yds.
Running 620 mins. (+ 15 mins.) 1470 mins.
Biking 285 mi. 185 mi. 1055 mi.
Are these extravagant goals? I think SO!!! ;-)
Did 20 mi. biking last night. Planning to swim after work today. :-)
Here are the stats:
Accomplished Behind by Left in training
Swimming 17,650 yds 5,850 yds 52,250 yds.
Running 620 mins. (+ 15 mins.) 1470 mins.
Biking 285 mi. 185 mi. 1055 mi.
Are these extravagant goals? I think SO!!! ;-)
Did 20 mi. biking last night. Planning to swim after work today. :-)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Why do I do this?
Interesting that you posted that question. I was asked by two friends recently why I run. Do you even like it? How could you like it?
One friend, in particular, wants me to walk with her. I always kindly decline, but finally, she got pushy and along with her pushiness, she asked "why do you run, anyway? why can't you walk instead?"
I told her that running is a challenge in some way. Always. Sometimes it's enough of a challenge to get out there to just do it. Sometimes, getting through the run (no matter how long or short) is the challenge. Beating a previous time or distance is a challenge. Humbly accepting the occasional weak/slow/difficult run is a challenge. And it's a great feeling to conquer it and get ready to face the next challenge.
...and honestly, I already know I can walk. I do it all the time.
My oldest son told me that he ran a 6:22 mile at school today. His good friend who he always races against in gym class finished a few seconds faster. I'm proud of him, and so excited that he is challenging himself in this way as well.
One friend, in particular, wants me to walk with her. I always kindly decline, but finally, she got pushy and along with her pushiness, she asked "why do you run, anyway? why can't you walk instead?"
I told her that running is a challenge in some way. Always. Sometimes it's enough of a challenge to get out there to just do it. Sometimes, getting through the run (no matter how long or short) is the challenge. Beating a previous time or distance is a challenge. Humbly accepting the occasional weak/slow/difficult run is a challenge. And it's a great feeling to conquer it and get ready to face the next challenge.
...and honestly, I already know I can walk. I do it all the time.
My oldest son told me that he ran a 6:22 mile at school today. His good friend who he always races against in gym class finished a few seconds faster. I'm proud of him, and so excited that he is challenging himself in this way as well.
Why am I doing this again?
Did 1500 yards swimming after work yesterday on an empty stomach (only had a big breakfast,coffee, & soda the whole day). So I was nauseous after the work out. It's probably my first time to ask myself "Why am I doing this? :-("
It reminds me of that scripture in Corinthians that says "Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever."(1 Cor 9)
With everything that's going on with church and life right now, I ask "Why do I need this?" :-(
Sold my mountain bike and bought aerobars last weekend for my road bike. Prices start at $100 for the low-end ones. The carbon-fiber kind (which I don't really don't need) start at $200. Luckily the bike owner told me a cop customer is selling one for $90: carbon-fiber Ironman designed only used for a month, including installation! What a better deal.
Took the bike for a ride and it feels uncomfortable! Didn't know you have to pay about $150 for bike-fitting with the aerobars! So I'm just doing trial-and-error on the fitting. And it would take new training to get used to it.
Have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and going home from the appointment. Planning to ride and run to catch up with training.
It reminds me of that scripture in Corinthians that says "Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever."(1 Cor 9)
With everything that's going on with church and life right now, I ask "Why do I need this?" :-(
Sold my mountain bike and bought aerobars last weekend for my road bike. Prices start at $100 for the low-end ones. The carbon-fiber kind (which I don't really don't need) start at $200. Luckily the bike owner told me a cop customer is selling one for $90: carbon-fiber Ironman designed only used for a month, including installation! What a better deal.
Took the bike for a ride and it feels uncomfortable! Didn't know you have to pay about $150 for bike-fitting with the aerobars! So I'm just doing trial-and-error on the fitting. And it would take new training to get used to it.
Have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and going home from the appointment. Planning to ride and run to catch up with training.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
summer running
My p.r. in a 5k was during a race when it was 95 degrees out and almost 100% humidity. My favorite races that I did in the past were in the heat of the summer. This is my time.
I ran this morning- a quick four miles on the boardwalk. Actually it wasn't that quick... The bridge went up and I stood waiting for it to let all the boats pass and come down for about 6 minutes. This bridge is at 1.6 miles of an out-and-back run so it's almost silly to stand there and wait to finish .4 miles and turn around, but I didn't have much of an alternative plan. I considered extending the run to five or six miles since I was standing there for so long, but I have a lot of things I'm hoping to accomplish today.
My kids will run a 5k next weekend. I'm excited that they're all determined to do this.
I ran this morning- a quick four miles on the boardwalk. Actually it wasn't that quick... The bridge went up and I stood waiting for it to let all the boats pass and come down for about 6 minutes. This bridge is at 1.6 miles of an out-and-back run so it's almost silly to stand there and wait to finish .4 miles and turn around, but I didn't have much of an alternative plan. I considered extending the run to five or six miles since I was standing there for so long, but I have a lot of things I'm hoping to accomplish today.
My kids will run a 5k next weekend. I'm excited that they're all determined to do this.
Monday, May 31, 2010
First Ocean Swim & Life Situations

Finally did my first ocean swim last Saturday with my brother and nephew! While they fished, I swam like a frozen fish! It was coooold!!!!
The wetsuit worked perfectly fine (and the fit is great, by the way!). But just hands, feet and face....brrrrr!!! I was just standing there getting used to the cold for about 10 mins. or so, about 50 yards from the shore (I could almost hear my brother and nephew saying, "and he's joining a race?").
After going back and forth to the shore, I finally decided to swim. It was hard to tell how much I swam because there are no markers, but I assume only about 300 yards total.
This weekend is one of my bottoms in life. Within 3 days, I lost my friendship with my roommate who I felt close as a brother already, was asked to move out of where I was living, and was asked not to come to the church I'm attending. It sucked!
I went out with my brother last Friday night and was burning to tell him everything but wasn't sure how he'll take it, so I decided to wait. But while keeping things in I tried to drown it with...beer. While we were watching the Laker game at a local bar, I decided to drink to ease the pain. Finished 3 bottles before I called someone in the program to tell how like was sucking at that point.
Thank God, a friend offered a room so I'll have a place to stay for now. I haven't told my family yet. Please pray hard for me. Thanks.
It's hard to train when life throws you a curve; you're mind is distracted. I was feeling a little depressed this morning so I overslept. I read my bible to get the feelings away and eventually fell asleep again. When I woke up, I decided to go for a bike ride. Managed to do 30 miles of biking that morning at least.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fight on!
Planned to swim in the ocean this weekend but couldn't find anybody to go with (my brother promised he'll go with me this long weekend). So was a bit disappointed and had to settle swimming at the local pool. Did 80 x 25 yds. And same thing, a guy in the next lane wanted to show off and outsprint me. Practiced pacing once again and was able to finish my target laps.
Could not get sober and was really discouraged and did not feel like going to a meeting anymore. But I thought to myself, "then what"? So I rode my bike to Starbucks and then eventually to a meeting. Volunteered to lead the meeting, and felt good about it.
When I got home, I invited my roommate to go running and did 6.5 mi. in 67 mins. We sprinted the last half mile or so. It felt good to push it and fight on! I feel like recovery is one of the biggest fight of my life. And I know I can never do it without people, and most specially...God!
Thanks to all the people who God gave me at this time of my life who have made a difference! :-)
Could not get sober and was really discouraged and did not feel like going to a meeting anymore. But I thought to myself, "then what"? So I rode my bike to Starbucks and then eventually to a meeting. Volunteered to lead the meeting, and felt good about it.
When I got home, I invited my roommate to go running and did 6.5 mi. in 67 mins. We sprinted the last half mile or so. It felt good to push it and fight on! I feel like recovery is one of the biggest fight of my life. And I know I can never do it without people, and most specially...God!
Thanks to all the people who God gave me at this time of my life who have made a difference! :-)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Pacing and Advice
Decided to swim in the local pool after work. I read in one triathlon website about being a well-rounded athlete. That I should start having the mindset of a triathlete; not a swimmer, not a biker, not a runner. The article went on to mention a few athletes who didn't finish because, although they were very strong at their own events, they did not pace themselves for the other events.
And so I practiced that today. I really paced myself. A couple of girls joined me on my lane and an adjacent lane. And they were sprinting and there was a temptation to keep up with them. But I had to let them pass me because I had to go farther. I was originally planning to only do 70 x 25 yds. But I was challenged by the girls so I pushed it to 100 x 25 yds.! Felt really good! :-)
At the shower room, I saw a guy with an Ironman tag on his bag and asked if he's ever joined one. Come to find out he's done 4, Arizona, Canada, and others. But not Hawaii yet. Since I wasn't confident if I could do the Olympic distance, I asked him if he thinks I can do it. I honestly told him where I was at in training. He said I have ample time to train. He suggests not downgrading to the Sprint distance and just go ahead with the Olympic distance. Asked him about my wetsuit, aerobars, and the specific triathlon route I'm doing (because he's done it too!). He said the running course is challenging, so I need to start focusing on that.
And so I practiced that today. I really paced myself. A couple of girls joined me on my lane and an adjacent lane. And they were sprinting and there was a temptation to keep up with them. But I had to let them pass me because I had to go farther. I was originally planning to only do 70 x 25 yds. But I was challenged by the girls so I pushed it to 100 x 25 yds.! Felt really good! :-)
At the shower room, I saw a guy with an Ironman tag on his bag and asked if he's ever joined one. Come to find out he's done 4, Arizona, Canada, and others. But not Hawaii yet. Since I wasn't confident if I could do the Olympic distance, I asked him if he thinks I can do it. I honestly told him where I was at in training. He said I have ample time to train. He suggests not downgrading to the Sprint distance and just go ahead with the Olympic distance. Asked him about my wetsuit, aerobars, and the specific triathlon route I'm doing (because he's done it too!). He said the running course is challenging, so I need to start focusing on that.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
ten again
This ten mile run was difficult. I was ill prepared and didn't full well know it. The first five went fine. I decided to run at a steady pace, but to truly take in the scenery and enjoy what God provides for me to dwell in as I train. I even took a few photos with my blackberry.

Frank was to do 10 miles to each of my 5 mile loops. So there went my hydration source, as he carries gatorade on his bike. I did not see him again until mile 4 and therefore, did not replenish fluids until then. I need to figure a way around this. I don't like carrying anything in my hands when I run. At the end of mile five I saw a turtle and crouched down to have a closer look. When I stood up, I got so dizzy that I lost my balance and had to sit down right where I was. This was my first sign of being ill prepared, but for some reason, I ignored it. When I started my next five miles, I already felt weak. Listen to your body... right? I considered going to the visitor center and taking a drink of water, but I decided to get this run finished and wait until I saw Frank again. Miles six and seven were manageable. But after that, my muscles started cramping. Frank met me at about mile 8 (about mile marker 3 on this loop) and I told him I was struggling. We only had a little gatorade left of what he carried, so I finished that and he sprinted to the car to get another and meet me back on the trail. He returned near about .25 miles from the finish and I GUZZLED that drink. Big big big mistake. I was nauseous for most of the rest of the evening. We got home just before 5 pm. I didn't feel better til about 9.
Moral of the story: Hydrate! I usually start hydrating the night before a run that is over 6 miles.
I have been slack in weight training. We now have an awesome bench that I need to start using.

Frank was to do 10 miles to each of my 5 mile loops. So there went my hydration source, as he carries gatorade on his bike. I did not see him again until mile 4 and therefore, did not replenish fluids until then. I need to figure a way around this. I don't like carrying anything in my hands when I run. At the end of mile five I saw a turtle and crouched down to have a closer look. When I stood up, I got so dizzy that I lost my balance and had to sit down right where I was. This was my first sign of being ill prepared, but for some reason, I ignored it. When I started my next five miles, I already felt weak. Listen to your body... right? I considered going to the visitor center and taking a drink of water, but I decided to get this run finished and wait until I saw Frank again. Miles six and seven were manageable. But after that, my muscles started cramping. Frank met me at about mile 8 (about mile marker 3 on this loop) and I told him I was struggling. We only had a little gatorade left of what he carried, so I finished that and he sprinted to the car to get another and meet me back on the trail. He returned near about .25 miles from the finish and I GUZZLED that drink. Big big big mistake. I was nauseous for most of the rest of the evening. We got home just before 5 pm. I didn't feel better til about 9.
Moral of the story: Hydrate! I usually start hydrating the night before a run that is over 6 miles.
I have been slack in weight training. We now have an awesome bench that I need to start using.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ten again...
Tomorrow... unless there are thunderstorms, I am going to run ten at Manasquan Reservoir again and Frank will likely bike 20. Tuesday I did four miles on the treadmill at the gym and yesterday I did 4.5 miles. I was particularly strong yesterday. I have no idea why but I love when that happens. I was faster and consistent and could've kept going.
I'm still trying to find a realistic training schedule that will work with my work schedule. I'm glad that my work is physical enough so that I don't feel totally lethargic while I'm there. I am not a night person so running at night is not always enjoyable for me. I'm a morning person, but really don't want to get up much earlier- in fact, if I woke up much earlier, it would be night! I guess it's evenings during work days for now...
I'm excited that all of my boys want to run the Pre-Father's Day 5k on June 12th. Charles got running shoes yesterday and we will do his first training run on Sunday. Ethan is another story. We'll work on his endurance but I don't expect him to run the entire thing straight through. He may surprise me though. He has natural endurance.
I'm still trying to find a realistic training schedule that will work with my work schedule. I'm glad that my work is physical enough so that I don't feel totally lethargic while I'm there. I am not a night person so running at night is not always enjoyable for me. I'm a morning person, but really don't want to get up much earlier- in fact, if I woke up much earlier, it would be night! I guess it's evenings during work days for now...
I'm excited that all of my boys want to run the Pre-Father's Day 5k on June 12th. Charles got running shoes yesterday and we will do his first training run on Sunday. Ethan is another story. We'll work on his endurance but I don't expect him to run the entire thing straight through. He may surprise me though. He has natural endurance.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Parallel Training
Did 90 x 25 yds swimming in 55 mins. (freestyle) and did 20 mi. biking in 1 hr. 20 mins. last night.
I feel like my training is complementing my recovery:
There are nights that I don't want to train, but I just go ahead and do it. There are days I don't feel like going to meetings, but I just go ahead and do it.
I keep on fumbling on my sobriety, I get back on track and try again. I miss my training sched but I try to make up for lost distance in the next training day.
At times I feel the work-out is "muscled" and I'm not doing it right. I feel like there are steps in the program I feel is legalistic and I ain't doing it right either.
In the end, I'm hoping I finish my race...and get well in recovery! :-)
I feel like my training is complementing my recovery:
There are nights that I don't want to train, but I just go ahead and do it. There are days I don't feel like going to meetings, but I just go ahead and do it.
I keep on fumbling on my sobriety, I get back on track and try again. I miss my training sched but I try to make up for lost distance in the next training day.
At times I feel the work-out is "muscled" and I'm not doing it right. I feel like there are steps in the program I feel is legalistic and I ain't doing it right either.
In the end, I'm hoping I finish my race...and get well in recovery! :-)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ten miles.
We went out to Manasquan Reservoir and I ran ten miles for the first time in almost 2 years. I was careful not to be too mindful of my time/pace. It was important just to get it done. To conquer the apprehension and fear of this distance. Frank rode along (well, just ahead, really) for the first 5 mile loop and I challenged him to lap/pass me on his bike during my second loop. He is still new at gear changing on this mountain bike and this was a great place for him to get some practice. He passed me at 3.5 miles, which was 8.5 miles for him. He finished the rest just ahead of me. I felt really good and strong by mile seven. My breathing was regulated and cardio wise, I felt like I could go indefinitely. Sometime soon, when time allows, I'd like to run and see just how far I can go. This makes me think: MARATHON.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ten miles?
I like to write what I intend to do- this way it makes me accountable.
I plan to run ten miles tomorrow. I ran 5 on tuesday on the boardwalk at night with Frank alongside me on his bike. My knee is a little sore from work so I took it easy tonight and last night. I am carb loading as we speak for tomorrow.
I plan to run ten miles tomorrow. I ran 5 on tuesday on the boardwalk at night with Frank alongside me on his bike. My knee is a little sore from work so I took it easy tonight and last night. I am carb loading as we speak for tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Did 50 x 25 yds swimming after work yesterday. Went to bible talk after that and went home.
I tried the new wetsuit on late last night and a roommate saw me trying it on in the bathroom and said "Dude, I didn't know you were a superhero!" ;-)
It's so tight, I can't even zip it up! I looked online and learned that swimming suits are suppose to be tight tight. And there's actually a technique to putting it on. So I'll try it again before I send it back.
Woke up at 4:00 am, had my quiet time and biked 15 mi. this morning but I felt like it was muscled than enjoyed. I may be doing something wrong. :-(
I tried the new wetsuit on late last night and a roommate saw me trying it on in the bathroom and said "Dude, I didn't know you were a superhero!" ;-)
It's so tight, I can't even zip it up! I looked online and learned that swimming suits are suppose to be tight tight. And there's actually a technique to putting it on. So I'll try it again before I send it back.
Woke up at 4:00 am, had my quiet time and biked 15 mi. this morning but I felt like it was muscled than enjoyed. I may be doing something wrong. :-(
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday 5/2
Today was good. I ran 7 miles on the boardwalk and got a little sunburn but just on my face and shoulders... Frank pulled his bike out of the basement and rode along with me. It's the first time he's been on a bike in years. Of course, it wasn't a work out for him at all, but the distance was long enough for him to get reacquainted with this old familiar friend. I know my pace was slower- because I was mindful of where he was and because the boardwalk was so crowded since this weather causes people to flock to the beach. I plan to run 10 miles on Friday morning at Manasquan Reservoir. It is a five mile loop around the water. I haven't run there in 3 years. There's some trail, road and a little bit of beach in this loop. Should be fun. Frank plans to come along with his bike.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
22 days til...
My 10 mile race is on May 23rd. I plan to run 7 miles this afternoon or evening and perhaps 5 or 6 tomorrow. I hope to finish this race with a 9:30 pace or better. We shall see.
Thursday I ran 3.5 on the treadmill at the gym again. I can't bear more than 30 minutes or so on the treadmill anymore. It gets so boring!
Thursday I ran 3.5 on the treadmill at the gym again. I can't bear more than 30 minutes or so on the treadmill anymore. It gets so boring!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Back on the street...
...pounding the pavement. Ran 7 mi. in 1 hr. 19 mins last nite at 11:00. Slow but felt good about it for a first running workout. So I'm done with the running quota for the week. Just gotta catch up with the biking quota (didn't bike to the subway yesterday as planned :-(
Starting to gain some confidence on the race. I feel like if I just keep up with the training (following an Olympic than a Half-Iron sched now), I can at least finish it.
Lesson I'm learning at recovery right now:
Embrace my curse! That God put this struggle in life for at least 2 reasons:
1) to humble me and to always acknowledge my need for God (2 Corinthians 12:6-8) so I treat it now as a gift, not a curse
2) to help others that suffers from it (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) once I overcome it
Starting to gain some confidence on the race. I feel like if I just keep up with the training (following an Olympic than a Half-Iron sched now), I can at least finish it.
Lesson I'm learning at recovery right now:
Embrace my curse! That God put this struggle in life for at least 2 reasons:
1) to humble me and to always acknowledge my need for God (2 Corinthians 12:6-8) so I treat it now as a gift, not a curse
2) to help others that suffers from it (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) once I overcome it
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Catching up with Training
Exactly 18 weeks before the race. And the actual training begins!
Here's the sched for this week:
I'm behind schedule by 2 days, so I tried catching up today on the swimming. Did 84 x 25 yards (2100 yds) this evening in 55 mins. Planning to ride my bike to the subway station (10 mi. one way) tomorrow to catch up with the bike training as well. And I'm excited that I will start running again! I miss it.
Scripture says:
1 Timothy 4:8
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
So I will include some of what I'm learning in recovery as well:
1) Coming back to the program, I am more accepting of flaws in people, specially sponsors and members, that they are not required and impossible to be perfect.
2) I am more accepting of myself: my failures and weaknesses. I am more forgiving of myself when I fail. God forgives me, why can't I?
3) Advise and direction is only good if put into practice. Nobody overcomes by knowledge alone.
Here's the sched for this week:
Date | Swim | Bike | Run |
Mon | 750 yds. | 15 mi | |
Tue | 750 yds. | 20 mins. | |
Wed | 15 mi. | ||
Thu | 1000 yds. | 20 mins. | |
Fri | |||
Sat | 30 mins. | ||
Sun | 20 mi. |
I'm behind schedule by 2 days, so I tried catching up today on the swimming. Did 84 x 25 yards (2100 yds) this evening in 55 mins. Planning to ride my bike to the subway station (10 mi. one way) tomorrow to catch up with the bike training as well. And I'm excited that I will start running again! I miss it.
Scripture says:
1 Timothy 4:8
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
So I will include some of what I'm learning in recovery as well:
1) Coming back to the program, I am more accepting of flaws in people, specially sponsors and members, that they are not required and impossible to be perfect.
2) I am more accepting of myself: my failures and weaknesses. I am more forgiving of myself when I fail. God forgives me, why can't I?
3) Advise and direction is only good if put into practice. Nobody overcomes by knowledge alone.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Yesterday and Today
Ended up at the gym on the treadmill for two days in a row now. I find the treadmill painfully boring. Yesterday, I was set to do 4 miles, but 20 minutes in to my run, a woman who REEKED of cigarettes took the treadmill next to me. She must've had more than one in her car with the windows rolled up right before she walked in to the gym. It was awful. On top of this, she is someone I know who always attempts to engage in conversation with me no matter how much I avoid her general direction and (at times) pretend I don't even know she's there right next to me. I don't go to the gym to socialize. I go to accomplish something and (ideally) conjure up some positive feelings. I can socialize any other time. When will this person get the message?
I resigned to a 30 minute run so it was about 3.4 miles or so when it was over. Coincidentally, the woman who joined me finished her workout at the same time and followed me to the locker room, then to the parking lot... This means she went to the gym to spend maybe 12 minutes walking while holding on (a pet peeve of mine-why are you holding on?) to a treadmill.
Okay, that's enough whining...
Today I ran 3.4 at the gym after a somewhat lazy day which included watching Chris' baseball game in outside on a windy 55 degree cloudy day. I hope to get a good 7 mile run in tomorrow or Thursday and then another on the weekend. I signed up for a ten mile run on May 23. I'm ready enough, but would like to be more confident...
I resigned to a 30 minute run so it was about 3.4 miles or so when it was over. Coincidentally, the woman who joined me finished her workout at the same time and followed me to the locker room, then to the parking lot... This means she went to the gym to spend maybe 12 minutes walking while holding on (a pet peeve of mine-why are you holding on?) to a treadmill.
Okay, that's enough whining...
Today I ran 3.4 at the gym after a somewhat lazy day which included watching Chris' baseball game in outside on a windy 55 degree cloudy day. I hope to get a good 7 mile run in tomorrow or Thursday and then another on the weekend. I signed up for a ten mile run on May 23. I'm ready enough, but would like to be more confident...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Relay... forgot!
Forgot to mention that the marathon relay was great. The best part about it was that all my boys were present through the whole race and they all CAN'T WAIT to be old enough to run it! Charles will run the short leg next year and Christopher has already agreed to take the 2nd shortest leg (4.5 miles) so that Charles can participate. I am grateful that my sons are seeing the many benefits of healthy habits. Christopher said he felt "awesome" when they announced our team name as he crossed the finish line. I told him to make sure he remembers this- this is the type of feeling you cannot buy. It comes from within- a sense of accomplishment after and pride after conquering a challenge.
I'm heading to the gym on this rainy Monday to run on the dreadmill. Either 4 paced miles, or a fast 3. Haven't decided yet...
I'm heading to the gym on this rainy Monday to run on the dreadmill. Either 4 paced miles, or a fast 3. Haven't decided yet...
Saturday April 24, 2010:
I am still working on being consistent with training. Feeling guilty in the past week for not working out, I pushed myself this weekend. First thing in the morning (after my quiet time of course), I went on a 25-mile bike ride, ending at the community swimming pool. (I did take a 20-minute breakfast rest at a donut shop a couple of blocks away! ;-)
At the pool, decided to max out on what I can do since this would be the last week for my swim training. With my cheap wetsuit on, I finished 90 x 25 yards in 1 hour 4 mins! This built my confidence that I can do well in the swimming leg of the race.
Sunday, April 25, 2010:
Coming back from a 7-hour drive from Sacramento, attended a meeting and then went on a 12-mi bike ride. I feel bad at times that I have to sacrifice training specially for meetings and other commitments.
I asked my mentor on the program about this and he says my recovery and my relationship with God comes first and foremost. He encourages me to continue with the training but not to the point that it gets in the way of what's more important. He urges me to still join the race but not to break some record. Just finish...for now.
Found a 2008 top of the line wetsuit on sale for half the price! Was contemplating whether to take advantage of the sale (since the offer is only good till Monday) or wait since I have to charge this one on card. After a couple of advices from friends, decided to finally get it.
I am still working on being consistent with training. Feeling guilty in the past week for not working out, I pushed myself this weekend. First thing in the morning (after my quiet time of course), I went on a 25-mile bike ride, ending at the community swimming pool. (I did take a 20-minute breakfast rest at a donut shop a couple of blocks away! ;-)
At the pool, decided to max out on what I can do since this would be the last week for my swim training. With my cheap wetsuit on, I finished 90 x 25 yards in 1 hour 4 mins! This built my confidence that I can do well in the swimming leg of the race.
Sunday, April 25, 2010:
Coming back from a 7-hour drive from Sacramento, attended a meeting and then went on a 12-mi bike ride. I feel bad at times that I have to sacrifice training specially for meetings and other commitments.
I asked my mentor on the program about this and he says my recovery and my relationship with God comes first and foremost. He encourages me to continue with the training but not to the point that it gets in the way of what's more important. He urges me to still join the race but not to break some record. Just finish...for now.
Found a 2008 top of the line wetsuit on sale for half the price! Was contemplating whether to take advantage of the sale (since the offer is only good till Monday) or wait since I have to charge this one on card. After a couple of advices from friends, decided to finally get it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Running into running partners
Yesterday I ran a little more than seven miles. On my way out (away from home) I noticed a runner about 200 feet behind me. This guy didn't know it, but he was "pushing me" through the whole run. This was to be my first seven mile run of this season. I gave myself an "option" to cut it short and do six instead, but since this man was still trudging behind me at the 6 mile turn around point, I felt like I had to keep going... because he was still going... He caught up to me and I encouraged him to pass and he said "I'm going to keep right where I'm at. I'm running 10 miles today." And we ran alongside each other for awhile. He told me he was training for his first half marathon and I congratulated him and wished him luck. When I turned around at 3.5 miles, and we waved to each other as he kept on, I allowed the thought of walking the last mile to enter my mind. "I'll get through six miles, then I'll walk the last one." At mile 5 I approach the bridge in Belmar. I secretly "wish" that it could go up and I can have a reason to stop... And it does!

Another runner catches up with me and waits for the bridge. I confess to him that I wished for the bridge to go up because this run was starting to really challenge me and I wanted a reason to stop. He says "Well, let's finish it together then." And so we do. Chatting the whole way about running, family, the Jersey Shore, and why he still runs at age 66. When we approach my street, we shake hands, bid each other well, and I thank him for pulling me for the last 1.7 miles and I exit the boardwalk. He continues for another mile to his home in Asbury Park. I am grateful for "coincidences" like this. Small ways that God shows me that He is ever present and wanting to help and encourage me even in the smallest endeavors.

Another runner catches up with me and waits for the bridge. I confess to him that I wished for the bridge to go up because this run was starting to really challenge me and I wanted a reason to stop. He says "Well, let's finish it together then." And so we do. Chatting the whole way about running, family, the Jersey Shore, and why he still runs at age 66. When we approach my street, we shake hands, bid each other well, and I thank him for pulling me for the last 1.7 miles and I exit the boardwalk. He continues for another mile to his home in Asbury Park. I am grateful for "coincidences" like this. Small ways that God shows me that He is ever present and wanting to help and encourage me even in the smallest endeavors.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Distance vs. Consistency
I read a bike training tip, that consistency is better than reaching milestones in distances. Meaning it would be better to cover 35-miles throughout the week than doing the whole distance at the end of the week. Which I haven't followed. I am to bike more consistently than aiming to go farther (but eventually I should aim for distance as well).
I just came back from a 13-mi. bike ride since I didn't wanna make more excuses (came home at 11:00 from a meeting). Did 51 x 25 yds. swimming yesterday biking 12 mi. to and from the swimming pool.
Aiming to bike (and possibly swim) after work tomorrow.
I just came back from a 13-mi. bike ride since I didn't wanna make more excuses (came home at 11:00 from a meeting). Did 51 x 25 yds. swimming yesterday biking 12 mi. to and from the swimming pool.
Aiming to bike (and possibly swim) after work tomorrow.
Friday, April 16, 2010
I have been running... Really I have, but I have been online maybe 1/8th of the time that I usually am! I started a new job 4 weeks ago and transitioning from being home all the time and doing all of my sewing here to working elsewhere has been major. I am not complaining! I enjoy it.
Here's what I remember:
Today I ran 3 miles on a treadmill at the gym at an easy pace.
Wednesday I ran 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym also at a comfortable pace.
Monday I ran 4 miles at a moderately higher pace at the gym.
Sunday, 4 miles on the boardwalk- this was a grueling run for some reason...
Saturday, 6 miles on the boardwalk- felt strong and could've continued!
Tomorrow is our marathon relay. I run the first leg (6.1 miles) at 8 am. I will run with my son as well, if he wants me to for his 2.7 mile leg. I am ready!
I come home from work with blisters, scratches, cuts and callouses on my hands and with my biceps and forearms sore- does that count as a workout? :)
Here's what I remember:
Today I ran 3 miles on a treadmill at the gym at an easy pace.
Wednesday I ran 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym also at a comfortable pace.
Monday I ran 4 miles at a moderately higher pace at the gym.
Sunday, 4 miles on the boardwalk- this was a grueling run for some reason...
Saturday, 6 miles on the boardwalk- felt strong and could've continued!
Tomorrow is our marathon relay. I run the first leg (6.1 miles) at 8 am. I will run with my son as well, if he wants me to for his 2.7 mile leg. I am ready!
I come home from work with blisters, scratches, cuts and callouses on my hands and with my biceps and forearms sore- does that count as a workout? :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Busy-ness and Training
Let's see: setting up a company picnic for Summer, planning a 70th birthday for my Dad in June, going to meetings 3 times a week, church activities, and just settling in to my new place. Shouldn't be an excuse, but it is.
I really need to find the time to train. Have only done around 20 miles biking this week so far. :-(
I really need to find the time to train. Have only done around 20 miles biking this week so far. :-(
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sickness and Training
I had a cough and a cold pretty much the whole week, and so I didn't have any training. Today, I still had a little cough, but I just have to do some training this week. I biked to the local swimming pool which was 5.5 miles away and swam 42 x 25 yards and biked back.
I am kinda tired but we'll see tonight if I don't cough up a storm for exercising.
I am kinda tired but we'll see tonight if I don't cough up a storm for exercising.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Race Day
I ran a 5k race today as did two of my relay teammates. Didn't make a new PR, but I did better than the last race. There is something about the energy in a large group of runners. I used to crave running for the solitude it gave me. Now, I'm starting to see how running with others motivates me.
"People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents. The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions." - Glen Cunningham; 2-time Olympian
"People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents. The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions." - Glen Cunningham; 2-time Olympian
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Off the yoga mat, on the road again!
Last Wednesday I purchased an introductory week of Hot Yoga. I went to four ninety minute sessions and certainly got my money's worth. The experience was amazing, challenging, overwhelming, strengthening, rejuvenating, torturous, tumultuous, joyous and traumatic just to name a few. Who knew that stretching and balancing beyond my perceived physical limits in a very hot room amongst strangers would conjure such a mix of sensations.
This week-o-yoga made it difficult to manage time for a daily run. I typically run an average of 23 miles a week and this week, I ran a mere 6. No worries, though, I expect to run a strong 5 miles tomorrow and hopefully 7 on Thursday. I will either rest on Friday, or run a short recovery run of 2 or 3 miles.
I do 2 separate upper body workouts at least once a week. One consists of resistance training for chest, delts, and triceps, the other strengthens back, biceps and abs.
I started working in a new place (part time at the moment) last week- this also throws my schedule. I am enjoying learning a new facet of my craft. I now have to quickly learn to manage my time so I do not fall behind on the work that I have piled up here in my workspace at home. Allegedly, yoga can teach you "balance" in all areas of life... Hmmmm....
This week-o-yoga made it difficult to manage time for a daily run. I typically run an average of 23 miles a week and this week, I ran a mere 6. No worries, though, I expect to run a strong 5 miles tomorrow and hopefully 7 on Thursday. I will either rest on Friday, or run a short recovery run of 2 or 3 miles.
I do 2 separate upper body workouts at least once a week. One consists of resistance training for chest, delts, and triceps, the other strengthens back, biceps and abs.
I started working in a new place (part time at the moment) last week- this also throws my schedule. I am enjoying learning a new facet of my craft. I now have to quickly learn to manage my time so I do not fall behind on the work that I have piled up here in my workspace at home. Allegedly, yoga can teach you "balance" in all areas of life... Hmmmm....
Wetsuit & Rest
Went back to the Tri store after work and a lady helped me pick out wetsuits. Price ranged from $200 to $800. But the ones I was looking at was around $300-$400. They didn't have my size so they just got my number and said they'll call me this week when the shipment comes in.
Was suppose to go for a ride but found out both my tires were flat. First time it happened. I had an extra tube but that's about it. Was bummed and felt so guilty not working out for 3 days straight. It is a first as well throughout this training. So I just chatted online and called it a night.
One thing good that came out of this was that, I never felt my legs sooooo rested when I woke up this morning! First time in probably 3 months. Gonna get a tube tonight and I can tell it's gonna be a great ride! :-)
Was suppose to go for a ride but found out both my tires were flat. First time it happened. I had an extra tube but that's about it. Was bummed and felt so guilty not working out for 3 days straight. It is a first as well throughout this training. So I just chatted online and called it a night.
One thing good that came out of this was that, I never felt my legs sooooo rested when I woke up this morning! First time in probably 3 months. Gonna get a tube tonight and I can tell it's gonna be a great ride! :-)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Biking Log
3/23 - Took the day off. Went on a 20 mi. bike ride along the coast. Took a break for about 30 mins. Prayed and read. Then came back the same way. The coast is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!!
About 75 deg out. Told myself gonna learn how to surf next year.
3/25 - did a 16 mi. bike ride at night.
3/26 - did a 34 mi. bike ride from 9 pm to midnight.
3/27 - wanted to swim but wetsuit didn't help (see my comment on First Post). Did zero miles swimming and did 4 games of bowling at night (like it counts! ha-ha!)
3/28 - did no training this weekend. this ain't good! I really have to do something tomorrow!
About 75 deg out. Told myself gonna learn how to surf next year.
3/25 - did a 16 mi. bike ride at night.
3/26 - did a 34 mi. bike ride from 9 pm to midnight.
3/27 - wanted to swim but wetsuit didn't help (see my comment on First Post). Did zero miles swimming and did 4 games of bowling at night (like it counts! ha-ha!)
3/28 - did no training this weekend. this ain't good! I really have to do something tomorrow!
First Post
Yesterday I did Vinyasa Yoga. Over an hour in a room heated to 110 degrees or so with maybe 11 other people... Why does this count as training? It's a new challenge. Balance, focus, strain, and all of it in close proximity to other humans. It's stretching my bounds and doing something I've never done before.
We are training for this little tiny biathlon. I said that I have apprehensions about the swim. That I have a fear of swimming in ocean water. That I am a self-taught swimmer with little experience.
But I did this when I lived in Hawaii. More than a half mile total. What does that say about my fear?
We are training for this little tiny biathlon. I said that I have apprehensions about the swim. That I have a fear of swimming in ocean water. That I am a self-taught swimmer with little experience.
But I did this when I lived in Hawaii. More than a half mile total. What does that say about my fear?
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